25 October 2015

Automatic Cat security

CatBot an autonomous laser toy for your cat. You may say, "But Joe, lazy cat owner is not the best toy laser pointer?" I do not, CatBot that need to be taken a step further.

Using two servos, an Arduino and a cheap $3 laser you can provide your cat with endless fun.

I was buying pet food and saw a $3 laser from PetCo. I thought the cat might like it. I was wrong. The cat became obsessed. Constantly grabbing the toy off of the coffee table. But she only wants to play for 1 minute then sit and stare at it. So you think, OK I guess she is bored. You put it down....

And she's back pawing at it.

For this I used the following:

  • Arduino Uno
  • Hillman Hobby Parts (found @ Lowes in the screws/nuts/bolts area)
  • 2 Servos
  • Zip Ties
  • $3 Laser cat toy.

Disassemble the Laser

The laser pops open with a screw driver. You can see it used 2x1.5v batteries. But it actually runs better at 4.5v.

Build the Servo Tilt/Pan

I used a hodgepodge of these cool mechano/erector set pieces from Hillman. They can be found in the screw/small parts drawers at Lowes.

Wire for Arduino

For the Arduino wiring, attach pins 8 & 9 to the servos.
Attach the laser to 5v, but 470 ohm resistor inline before the laser.

Arduino code

#include <Servo.h>

Servo vert; 
Servo hor;

void setup() { 

void migrate(Servo &myServo, int newPos) {
  int wait=random(30,60); //randomize the wait to make it more interesting
  int pos =; //Read the current servo position
  if (pos < newPos) { 
    for (int i=pos; i < newPos; i++) {
  } else { 
    for (int i=pos; i > newPos; i--) { 
void randomPosition() {
  int rand=random(40,120); //The range is limited to 60 deg for better cat action
  migrate(hor, rand);
  rand=random(90,135); //The vertical range is limited to 45 deg also for better cat action. 
  migrate(vert, rand);
void loop() { 

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