22 April 2016

Google presents the annual safety report in Android

 The second consecutive year, Google has launched the annual safety report in AndroidThe paper analysis protection tools services company, review the security measures introduced in 2015 and provide information about the work on the protection of the Android community. 
One of the points in which the company last year was on improving its service focused protect Android users. To detect malware and malicious apps, as well as to protect users from Network - based threats, the Mountain View checks carried out Everyday in more than 6,000 applications and 400 million devices. 

Less harmful apps in Google Play

Thanks to these efforts, the chances of installation of a potentially malicious app (PHA for its acronym in English) from Google Play decreased more than 40% compared to 2014. The records main categories of malicious applications that have been reduced are the data collection, spyware, and hostile discharge system. 
Terminals installed apps both the official store Google and other sources have recorded levels similar to those of 2014. However, PHA from Mountain View emphasizes that their service Verify Apps, a protective tool for users who install applications outside of Google Play, is 50% more effective than the previous year.

Security Enhancements Android 6.0 Marshmallow

Google's report also reflects the importance of security enhancements of Android 6.0 Marshmallow to maintain the protected ecosystem. These include measures such as full disk encryption for most devices, now also extended to encrypt data on the SD card.
Moreover, the updating of permits optimizes review of data that are shared with apps. Also, the boot ensures checked the condition of the phone l will patch security levels allow check if a terminal has all the security updates, among other improvements. 
With this document, Google aims to provide clear information to users to foster dialogue to get the Android ecosystem as safe as possible. If you want to see the annual report 2015 full Android security, you can do it from this link. 

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