Misfit and Speedo announced the Speedo Shine 2
The smaller the minority of the market, the easier it is to do a large share if you could find the way to cut. If the motion on the ground a lot of smart bracelets, fierce competition in the market, then the summer came, for swimming enthusiasts smart wearable bracelet is relatively less. Misfit another way to bring Speedo Shine 2; we can solve this demand, and they have done the second generation.
Misfit do this product is not a power of their own, it is to find a well-known swimwear manufacturer Speedo (Speedo) cooperation, it would be for their products to increase the professional skills component. It is designed for swimming enthusiasts of sport, swimming and sleep monitoring bracelet. Speedo swims ring number using MISFIT and proprietary algorithms to develop estimates for all strokes, a traceable record number of users love handles. In this way, users do not have other people to help count the number of laps.

Also, in order to enhance the movement of people wearing the initiative and professionalism, but also added a countdown function can be set to play a round-trip time and challenge it, by a predetermined time after completion will vibrate. Also, after the phone bundling and support SMS, calls to remind vibration alarm and mute function; binding Misfit Link App, Speedo Shine 2 can morph music player remote control, self-timer remote control, PPT Remote Control, or a variety of remote control devices and intelligent home smart button Internet services.

To allow the wearer to view related information quickly, Speedo Shine 2 has 12 LED lamps, with more than 16 million colour display, even in the sun, the time can be read directly, and view your progress. It should be noted that the user able to, by way of internal App purchase, at a price of $ 9.99 and get to swim laps estimates data tracking function, this point is not other similar products.
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