For the less experienced today we will talk about the family ATtiny or rather microcontrollers ATMEL just to remember it is a semiconductor manufacturing company founded in 1984.Questo tutorial will allow us to understand how to program an ATtiny85 with Arduino.
- ATtiny85
- Breadboard or Millefori
- Arduino Uno

- Jumper Male Male

What can we do:
The most useful is that once programmed the microcontroller will not use an Arduino for our projects, but rather only ATtiny85 and a few passive components. So we'll see the procedure for loading Arduino sketch and then the power of the classic LED.
The most useful is that once programmed the microcontroller will not use an Arduino for our projects, but rather only ATtiny85 and a few passive components. So we'll see the procedure for loading Arduino sketch and then the power of the classic LED.
Let us first the pin dell'Attiny85:
While Arduino:
Pin 1 = Ain0 (D 5) PB5
Pin 2 = Ain3 (D 3) PB3
Pin 3 = AIN2 (D 4) PB4
Pin 4 = GND
Pin 5 = PB0 (D 0) PWM0
Pin 6 = PB1 (D 1) PWM1
Pin 7 = PB2 (D 2) INT0 Ain1
foot 8 = VCC
This is useful because the ATtiny85, being very small, is used in projects where the dimensions are a fundamental requirement. Of course being shorty, its hardware features are limited, but still interesting. Here is a summary of the main specifications:
Pin 2 = Ain3 (D 3) PB3
Pin 3 = AIN2 (D 4) PB4
Pin 4 = GND
Pin 5 = PB0 (D 0) PWM0
Pin 6 = PB1 (D 1) PWM1
Pin 7 = PB2 (D 2) INT0 Ain1
foot 8 = VCC
This is useful because the ATtiny85, being very small, is used in projects where the dimensions are a fundamental requirement. Of course being shorty, its hardware features are limited, but still interesting. Here is a summary of the main specifications:
Program Memory 8 Kbyte EEPROM 512 Bytes SRAM 512 Byte Frequency 1MHz - 8MHz - 16MHz ADC 4-ChannelProtocol Serial SPI
a peculiarity of these microcontrollers is that they do not need to run the classic circuit resonator (quartz + capacitors) but can use a clock generator inside.
Once you downloaded and unzipped the download, go to the folder: Arduino and - if it does not exist - create a new folder and name it: Hardware. Copy here folders: tiny and tools that you have just downloaded.
If all went well, close and open again the Arduino IDE: go to the Tools menu> type of Arduino, and you should see a list of chip ATTiny. If you do not see them you have probably copied the folders in the wrong way.
AYou first load on our Arduino sketch by heading to the Files is an example called Arduino ISP: File> Examples> Arduino ISP
This sketch is very important, because it "transforms" into an Arduino chip programmer. Once loaded the sketch, we are ready to connect the Arduino to the breadboard.
Now that our Arduino became a programmer ISP just load a sketch and pass sull'ATTiny85.
For loading the code directly on the chip, go to: Tools> and select the type of Arduino chip ATtiny85 - do not have to select Arduino! If you do not know which of several chip select, try the one with the lowest frequency: @ 1MHz. The chip should work at 8MHz.
Now open: Tools> Programmer and choose Arduino as ISP. Loaded the sketch given below.
void setup () { // PIN0 output // The PIN0 corresponds to PIN5 dell'ATtiny85 // See diagram pinMode (0, OUTPUT); } void loop () { // LED on-off every half second delay (500); digitalWrite (0, HIGH); delay (500); digitalWrite (0, LOW); }
Click on the upload button to upload the sketch sull'ATtiny85. The LED TX and RX of the Arduino UNO board will flash indicating the firmware loading sull'ATtiny85. After a few moments, if there are no problems typical autoreset (surmountable using the classic capacitor put between the GND and pin / Reset) on the IDE window should appear confirming the Done uploading, with the following warning:
avrdude: please define PAGEL and BS2 signals in the configuration file for ATtiny85 part
avrdude: please define PAGEL and BS2 signals in the configuration file for part ATtiny85
avrdude: please define PAGEL and BS2 signals in the configuration file for part ATtiny85
We can ignore them because they do not affect the procedure.
We connect the LED with a resistance to make sure everything is done correctly
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