10 November 2015

Project Arduino IR remote sensor flex

The second release of Agol Version 1.1 has been revised to improve the mechanical and control. Ir remote controlled by a sensor which transmits the values ​​of the sensors of flexion that are operated by a hand. Must try.

Agol components:
  • 1 x Printed Chassi
  • 4 x Servo Motors
  • 1 x Arduino Uno
  • 1 x PCB Proto Shield
  • 1 x September Spacers
  • 1 x Motor Driver
  • 1 x IR receiver
  • 1 x Set Strip
  • 4 x Wheels and Engines
  • 1 x Battery Lipo 7.4v - 2200 mA
  • 3 x Jumper
Components IR Remote Control:
  • 1 x Arduino Uno Compatible Mini version for realization glove
  • 2 x sensors flexion
  • 1 x IR LED Transmitter

Its peculiarities are these arts semi-movable allowing a flexibility and greater expansion to Agol , improvable at will with a wide choice of positions to be taken. His skeleton was achieved with our 3D printers offer easy playback in case of damage.
Its structure is very large and you can decide through the sketch that is provided in the kit to move each limb as you wish. We at Critics Corporation decided to telecomandarlo with sensors downturn but can very well decide to command through buttons or any other components come into your mind.
At the end of the display of the tutorial you will obtain something like the image below. Above the skeleton we will fix Arduino as video.
Now we just need to complete achieve Motor shield with IR receiver that we're going to be stacked on top of the Arduino. We will explain step by step how to achieve it through a circuit. Its operation will be the one to receive a command to move the four servos and 4 engines.
To realize the shield we need from our list of the materials ProtoShield  a set Strip Arduino  the Motor Driver L293D  a TSOP IR receiver  a couple of additional strip jumper and a welder with the pond.


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