12 March 2016

Facebook Launches WordPress plugin

Facebook has just put online a Wordpress extension to facilitate the creation of Instant items.

Facebook hopes to revolutionize the way we consume information and for this, including the US giant has created the service Instant items that can integrate editorial content directly on the social network.
A time dedicated to the most popular content creators, Instant items will open to all publishers.We may see them wash over our walls, especially since the announcement of a WordPress plugin which should facilitate their implementation.

Instant Articles WordPress plugin

If you are an avid user of Facebook on your smartphone, you do not miss out on these articles, symbolized by a small lightning whose sleek style makes reading without leaving Facebook.
At the F8 conference April 12, Mark Zuckerberg and his team will officially announce the availability of Instant items for all. This is to prepare the ground Chris Ackermann, an engineer at Facebook, in a note written blog to introduce the WordPress plugin that will allow any blogger to share these articles Articles Instant mode.

A complete guide for publishers

Like many WordPress plugin, it will allow any content creator to perform a complex operation very simply without too get their hands dirty. To install the extension and test it before its formalization, simply go for a walk on GitHub , download the file and transfer it via FTP to your WordPress site and enable the extension. The items will then automatically converted to Articles Instant format.
For those who would like to learn more about their functioning, Facebook has published a comprehensive guide for developers to better understand the technology.

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