04 March 2016

Say goodbye WhatsApp if you have any of these phones

In the world of Internet services Nothing is forever. New technologies are advancing rapidly and you have to be aware of developments.

The popular instant messaging application Referring nothing more and nothing less than WhatsApp, which recently broke the barrier of one billion users, announced publicly and officially that it will stop supporting Symbian, BlackBerry operating systems and older versions of Windows Android Phone and from the end of this year.
As announced WhatsApp on its corporate blog, this application is a subsidiary of Facebook has decided that from now on will no longer update service for smartphones, today, have a very low participation rate. These terminals are those that include the old BlackBerry operating systems, including the latest BlackBerry 10, Nokia S40, Nokia Symbian S60, Android 2.1 and Android 2.2 version, and finally Windows Phone 7.1.

Arguably, this decision comes as a result of poor penetration that have these old smartphones today, which is dominated by more recent versions of Android and iOS (iPhone).WhatsApp, which this week has served seven years old, has opted for the most widespread platforms today. It was a very amazing trip and in the coming months we will be placing greater emphasis to important safety features and many new ways to stay in touch with those people you care far the team application development on its corporate blog said.

WhatsApp When we started there in 2009 the use of mobile devices people were very different from today. In fact , the App Store of Apple was a few months old. And about 70% of smart phones sold at that time was BlackBerry and Nokia operating systems. Compared to the time of onset, currently based terminals iOS and Android represent 99.5% of sales.
For this reason it is that WhatsApp has decided to shed weight. As we look forward to our next seven years focusing its efforts on mobile platforms used by the vast majority of people, added the company.

Although many of these mobile devices have been an important part of our history, now do not offer the capabilities of hardware and software we need to extend the functionality of our application in the future, justifies the technical team. In fact WhatsApp has said, however, that this has been a difficult decision but believes it is the best way to improve service and offer spectacular new features.

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