22 April 2016

Microsoft Translator for Android translates text images

Sometimes the language barrier can be a big problem when going on a trip to another country, having us to face the classic situation of gesticulating people to understand us, or use books or translation applications on our mobile. However, this requires us to write the exact phrase or search word by word to know its meaning.

But what would happen if we had one device capable of translating the text that captures our camera automatically? The truth is that we would greatly facilitate the task of understanding the signs or posters from other countries, and even restaurant menus or another information before which any tourist could find, but sometimes is not translated into a language such as English.
If you did not know, the application Microsoft Translator has long allowed doing this, which originally appeared in Windows Phone / Windows 10 Mobile, and which came an update with this feature last February to all phones with iOS, being the only Android platform that was not yet present.
Now, users of the most widely used mobile operating system in the world will be able to take a picture with your camera or choose one from the gallery, and wait for all text that appears in it is translated. Thus, you can forget about having to write the text in another language on your mobile to find out what it says.
The problem is that Microsoft Translator still has to add a feature that Google Translator already offers: the ability to hold the phone in front of a text (without taking a picture), and see how the application results in real time all that to you approaches, although it is necessary to have an Internet connection.
This is a  problem in foreign countries where they usually do not use the Internet for fear of the bill. For these cases you should know that Microsoft recently updated its iOS translator, allowing translate the photos without an Internet connection, something that the translator of Google still can not do.

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