16 June 2016

Twitter for SoundCloud investment of 70 million US dollars

Each social networking site has been mustering the full strength all hope to maintain their freshness, the live battlefield of the side, early on streaming music service's fascinating on Twitter, final confirmation has been formally SoundCloud be holding investments - opinion previously planned acquisition considered Write success yet.The official did not reveal too much of the actual investment details, but according to Recode sources pointed out that the amount of investment of up to seventy million US dollars, while Twitter CEO is considered that the investment is to support the efforts of the creators, but also the reaction partnerships and good relations in all aspects of social support maintained in recent years. SoundCloud and Twitter has a very close cooperation; the former is the first support Audio Cards streaming music company, so if there is both tighter integration not too surprising. But remaining is whether they can make binding social services and music more interesting.

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