29 October 2015

Companies develop shingles that are also solar panels

The use of solar energy brings several challenges to engineering. In addition to the structure performance, more and more engineers and architects have a responsibility to make the systems more friends landscape, breaking the negative visual impact for this not also be a deterrent factor of using this type of clean energy.
That's where the innovation to create a tile that already incorporates a photovoltaic plate to on your roof assembly as we know, is simultaneously a large solar energy capture panel.
hink about an aesthetically perfect solution, where the solar energy collection plates are also inserted into the tile utility, the Italian company Area Industrie Ceramiche and REM developed a solution that seems to be the ideal. They manufactured a photovoltaic tile in ceramic.
This is indeed the world's best of both:

The company wants the technology to be used to combat the impact on the landscape we have seen happen. As responsible mentioned, one of the reasons behind the development of this product was that of traditional panels are too large, heavy and with an aspect that in no way favors integration.
One of the most frequent complaints is the lack of aesthetics. Traditional panels we see every day end up negatively transform the appearance of the buildings, even if they are placed on top of it.

How is manufactured photovoltaic tile?

There is a combine technologies. The tile is made of ceramic and are equipped with four solar cells. Below each, there is a connector and the wiring. Each of these tiles have the ability to bind the structure and hence the converter.pplware_telhas_solares05
While it may seem substantially smaller, it's just an effect of adaptation because, according to the manufacturer, this photovoltaic tile is able to replace traditional panels capture sunlight. The Tegola Solare has the capacity to generate about 3kw power in an area of ​​40m². This means that in an area of ​​a complete roof or even a partial but they are at least in this area tiles with solar cells, the energy needs of a house were easily suppressed.

And in terms of cost?

It is even more expensive than the traditional technology, although it has to be taken account also the tile installation. It's like a house if he did tells roof covering have to cells, but as in everything technology, the quantity and mass would make the price tabled by conventional market and certainly win the aesthetic and landscape level.
As explained in the manufacturer's website, the idea is for example, a city like Venice, Italy, a country where this idea comes to us have old buildings, which do not support a structure so garish in terms of solar panels.Although it is home becoming a trend, people are not available to change the stroke of housing sacrificing an image that marks a city, a story.

Because the installation is done?

The installation is modular, although the process is the traditional roof of any ceramic tiles. It made a preliminary study on the property of energy consumption and are placed the tiles with necessary cells. The remaining tiles will be normal, like any roof. The set goes more unnoticed, ensures longevity required in these materials and as in any home, exchanging a piece is done quickly without any special process. Take up the piece, puts up another and the connection is instant.
Not being a novelty, because there are already buildings with photovoltaic glazing, cars with photovoltaic structure and other facilities where the materials already include the capture of cells of solar energy is certainly another step in this which is the major thrust of the world consume clean energy.
Not being a new idea or a new technology is increasingly a solution required by the town planning rules.

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