02 November 2015

7-Config app Motion-MMAL with Raspberry Pi NoIR Camera Module

"Motion" "Motion Configuration"

To have both a motion detector and a streaming software with the module cam Raspberry PI requires a special version of motion  (called Motion-MMAL ).
To watch streaming open a browser (using Firefox ) and go to the following address: http : // IP_ADDRESS_TUO_RASPBERRYPI: 8081
If you want to see the configuration data and more go to: http: // IP_ADDRESS_TUO_RASPBERRYPI: 8080 You can access the web streaming from different devices such as iPhone, Android, etc. When motion is detected Motion generate events and / or images and / or videos based on what you chose in the configuration file. The configuration file is " motion-mmalcam.conf ". The config contains a lot of settings that you are free to modify at will. Be careful because change might affect the operation of my application. This is the next structure on a daily saving of video and moving images of events that occurred.

root @ server01FI ~ # ls -R / opt / local / log / motion / data / * 
/ opt / local / log / motion / date / 04.01.2014:
img video 
/ opt / local / log / motion / date / 01.04.2014 / img:
01-20140401183020-01.jpg 01-20140401185657-01.jpg 01-20140401191538-00.jpg 
/ opt / local / log / motion / date / 01.04.2014 / Video:
01- 20140401183018.avi 01-20140401185643.avi 01-20140401191536.avi
The pictures and videos can be downloaded remotely to view them with a FTP client for example Filezilla we have seen previously.
Menu items of my application for the use of motion-MMAL:
"ConfigDetection" "Enable / Disable Detection at boot"
Enable or disable motion detection at boot time (motion detection). In the condition of disabled stream it remains active. "StateMotion" "State Motion"shows the status of the application at that time see figure: "LogMotion" "Log Motion by Date" Show motion events on a daily basis. Also in accordance with the directives received from the configuration enable / disable we see below indicates the broadcast of the event outside. "LogApp" "Log Motion by Application" Application Log-MMAL motion since it was first installed."LogThreshold" "Log Threshold by date" Daily Log of exceeding the threshold for motion events. "StartMotion" "Start Motion" Activation complete application streaming and motion detection. "StopMotion" "Stop Motion" Closing the application is complete streaming motion detection. "StartDetection" "Start Detection" Activating motion detection (detection event) "StopDetection" "Stop Detection" Break the motion detection (detection event) "Disable-Enable" "Disable / Enable event & Email" The default condition is not send any warning.


If enabled occurs: "01-ena_image" "Send Mail only image detection" Send an e-mail with the image, the better when it is done, the motion detection "02-ena_video" "Send Mail only video detection" Send an e-mail an .avi video of when it happened the motion detection "03-ena_evgtalk" "Send Gtalk only event detection" Send message Gtalk event detection movement. "04-ena_evmail" "Send Mail only event detection" Send an e-mail of 'event detection movement. "05-ena_evsms" "Send SMS only event detection"Send SMS event motion detection. (not active)

 "ModThreshold" "Modify Threshold"motion4
The threshold and 'threshold with which triggered the motion event.
The threshold is the number of pixels counted changed after noise filtering, masking and labeling between one frame and the next. If you have changed a number greater than or equal to pixels defined 'threshold' is presumed that there was motion event
threshold of permissible values ​​1 to 2147483647
Default: 1500.
To experience and to not have the best value is incorrect signals around 15000 (an adult person who moves into the room).

 Display streaming with Firefox browser


Display streaming with Iphone

(On my iPhone to connect to the internet have an annual promotion TIM with 2GB month).
For the first active on my iphone the VPN (small red circle)
For the second I open the application menu that LiveCams Pro introduces me my cam The name and version of iPhone Configuration module cam Raspberry iphone application

(JPEG Profile, Name free, http: // IP_ADDRESS_TUO_RASPBERRYPI: 8081)

Viewing events via Gtalk

The name and version of the application on the iPhone Example of the notification message motion detection Its display



Viewing an email with image

This is a mail with a picture when that proved to be a movement.

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