19 April 2016

Apple model iPhone replaced after three years

On its official website, Apple says that in general, an iPhone is used for three years before being replaced.

"This is a revolution; one must buy! " The gimmick popularized by the Horns of info when they amused themselves by imitating Steve Jobs is one of the main arguments used by the anti- Apple mock their counterparts. Under the humorous trait, the authors of the issue of Canal + were clearly pointing the programmed obsolescence policies that would be implemented by the major manufacturers.

While Apple is in the countryside "App for Earth" for the WWF ( for which Cupertino has received support from Leonardo DiCaprio ), the firm Apple said on its page dedicated to the environment than the iPhone was for a lifetime of three years, which has not failed to react canvas strongly and perhaps too quickly.

Apple tells us more about its product operating life

Be careful, though, because the controversy may be packed too quickly. Because, in its FAQ devoted to its environmental preservation policy, Apple does not say that the iPhone will fail after three years, but that the Apple phone users renew their equipment after three years use.
It suffices to look at the iPhone base of more than three years now still in circulation and the iOS update policy to see that the iPhone 4S is still supported by the brand.

The debate on planned obsolescence revived

On the same page, Apple estimates the life of the iPad three years, like that of the Apple Watch (for the latter it will take to check). The MacBook is they usually replaced by their owner after four years.
If Apple here tries to improve its image by specifying the average time for renewal Apple devices by its customers, the fact remains that the Cupertino company is often accused to ensure to push users to renew their devices too quickly. This is particularly the case on the iPhone that often start rowing without reason with the emergence of a new version of iOS. Apple is also singled out for its sometimes very difficult devices to disassemble and repair and therefore not necessarily very environmentally friendly in the long term, but that side, many of its competitors seem to follow suit 

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