you bought a Raspberry Pi because you were overwhelmed by a thousand projects found here and there on the net and do not resist the temptation of bringing this in his hands, test it and perhaps, why not, fulfill ourselves some interesting project.
in this guide we will see step by step what do dall'unboxing up to the full functionality of our new Raspberry Pi .
in this guide we will see step by step what do dall'unboxing up to the full functionality of our new Raspberry Pi .
What we need:
- Raspberry Pi
- SD card compatible with Raspberry ( see list )
- A keyboard and a USB mouse (perfect if wireless, with a single USB receiver)
- Video cable (HDMI or RCA) to connect it to a TV / Monitor
- USB to micro USB cable (for power Raspberry)
If you have everything you need, you can start configuring your Raspberry.
Step 1 - Installing Raspbian:
- Download the latest version of Raspbian
- Unzip the file you just downloaded
- Download the software Win32DiskImager
- Insert the SD card on your PC
- Start Win32DiskImager , select the image file that you unzipped and Raspbian of the letter corresponding to your SD card . Then click on "Write "
Step 2 - Connect all:
- Insert the SD card just updated on Raspberry
- Connect mouse, keyboard, video cable and power to the Raspberry
- Turn on the monitor / TV
- Giving power to the Raspberry (through micro USB connector
Step 3 - Set of Raspbian:
At this point, if everything went smoothly, you should see your Raspberry Pi to boot, proposing in front of your monitor / TV screen configuration as the one you see in the picture below.
This screen allows us to configure various parameters of the Raspberry, this is what I recommend you do:
- we bring the selector on " expand_rootfs "and we send. This step will allow the system to use the entire memory of the SD card.
- We can change the layout of your keyboard from " configure_keyboard"
- We enable SSH via " ssh ". This will allow us to use our Raspberry also remotely via VNC, etc.
- If we want to find the real graphical environment Raspbian launch of Raspberry Pi, select " boot_behaviour "and to request" Should we boot straight to the desktop? "we answer in the affirmative.
To apply the settings select the button " Finish ", confirming the restart. From now on, we should be able to access the graphical environment of Raspbian properly and automatic ignition of Raspberry Pi.
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